Crowds are becoming more and more common, requiring more and more security. Without successful crowd control techniques and de-escalation training in Chicago, these crowded settings can become dangerous at worst. It is important to have some rules in place to create a pleasant experience for customers that feels organized at the same time. Follow the do’s and don’ts listed below to have a better crowd control experience.
- Have Great Wayfinding
Wayfinding is essential at any venue. Customers are prone to become lost and get confused when entering a new venue. Use clear signs and markers so customers can navigate with ease. Confusion creates more congestion. Having wayfinding techniques in place, along with your knowledge about where to go, will provide a great customer experience. - Have Effective Line Management
Having a single line is the fastest and fairest line management model. It is important that the line does not feel stressful and overwhelming to your customers. Offer in line entertainment or merchandise carts and shops for customers’ enjoyment and distraction. Make sure customers do not lose patience or become stressed while waiting in line. - Be Upfront About Temporary Closures
Ensure temporary closures are clearly marked and that you provide all essential information to customers. Customers can become easily frustrated or confused if they notice a temporary closure. By providing enough information, customers feel heard and understood. Be sure to use barriers as well to ensure no customer tries to sneak past. - Do Not Ignore Rapid Deployment Strategies
When a sudden crises happens or there are maintenance concerns, it is essential to have a rapid deployment strategy. Ensure barriers and teammates can get to locations quickly to block off entrance. Store supplies in various locations to ensure ease of access. Put a clear plan in place so your customers are not left afraid or confused. - Do Not Ignore Broad Customer Control
Customer flow management is essential for broad customer control. Ensure that customers have a positive experience no matter how long the wait is. Customers should feel safe, and safety of the customers should be your top priority. Customers will feel happier and there will be less complaints and less chances of danger if a strategy is in place.
Ensure that you have effective customer control strategies in place in order to help customers feel safe and appreciated. Utilize line, rapid deployment, customer flow management and wayfinding strategies to ensure positive experiences. If a temporary closure is necessitated, ensure that customers are informed and closure occurs quickly.