In a galaxy not so far away, it’s a night out on the town, and the party is in your cantina. You are at capacity. Your entertainment team has booked a headliner, and it’s the hottest thing since Beyonce hit the scene. Customers are laughing, drinking, and enjoying the night. The music is loud, the blue milk is flowing, people are elbow-to-elbow and moving to the beat. But near the crowded bar, a situation is brewing. Misdirected hostility and alcohol are combined. Voices are rising, humpbacks are squaring, and a situation is reaching a boiling point. Unchecked, this combination is a recipe for disaster. But under the right supervision, this scene won’t even get past the “Come at me, Nerf Herder!” phase. With the right training and a good eye, the right security team will be able to de-escalate and defuse a situation before the potential danger even begins.
As people come together in person and enjoy the experiences of dining, concert-going, social events, and Jabba’s Jamboree, the natural engagement of human behavior can spiral in many different directions. When alcohol lubricates the wheels of togetherness, your security teams need to stay in a heightened state of awareness to ensure order and calm in an ever-changing landscape. The goal is to keep the peace and never let a tense situation impact the happiness and experience of the crowd.
The right security team has more than muscle under their name badges. They are Jedis with key training to spot the tension before it pops off. We’re not talking just strong-arming (though there is a time and a place for this extreme final step). We’re talking mental acuity and behavioral awareness. The right security team is an expert in human behavior and master of The Force. They know how to turn the unreasonable into reasonable, the angry into pacified. They offer an atmosphere of peace faster than you can say “These are not the droids you’re looking for.”
So, what special skills do these Jedi masters have that help them see into the future to identify the problems before they begin?
Keepers of the Peace, they are:
First and foremost, a solid Jedi security team recognizes that they are keepers of the peace. They do not use The Force to resolve conflict but instead recognize that by creating an atmosphere of harmony, the conflict will not arise. The very best security Jedis will know that they help create an environment of harmony, in addition to conflict resolution.
They are Mindful of the Dark Side:
Humans are fascinating creatures, full of complex emotions. Anger, aggression, and misunderstandings can lead a person to the Dark Side. But did you know that the human body has precursors and ‘tells’ when aggression starts rising? The very best security Jedis are skilled at body language and can see these subtle shifts unfolding in real-time. Everything from jaw movements to posture can be a sign indicating whether an individual is a danger. Your security Jedis can read the signs and step in before it is necessary to de-escalate a situation.
They are Masters of Communication:
In the most difficult of circumstances, the proper tone and approach are critical to maintaining order. Security Jedis are skilled at communication and understand how to talk a guest down from their heightened emotions. They understand that there are solutions to all problems. Empathy and compassion are key qualities to these guardians of peace.
Principals of People:
Understanding human behavior starts well before interaction. Gaining insight into what makes people tick allows the proper team to identify a bomb before it explodes. Security Jedis study human behavior regularly and strengthen their natural intuitive Force to recognize risks early.
Role Play helps with Readiness:
There’s a reason Yoda made Luke practice, practice, practice. Being prepared is proactiveness vs reactiveness. It’s one thing to imagine how you’ll react in a situation. It’s another to have walked through the scenario. A security Jedi’s best defense is a good offense. The best security teams will have role-playing on their resume. Practicing what to do – and what NOT to do – in an alternate universe is essential. It will help de-escalate a volatile person or situation if it happens in reality.
Practice What You Preach:
A good team can study, prepare, and role-play to their heart’s content, but it will mean nothing if these skills are built on an unstable foundation. As any Jedi can tell you, the Force starts with them. Your best security teams practice mindfulness on their own time. They maintain a clear mind and a healthy body so that they can be ready for anything. Mental and physical training is essential to maintaining a Jedi resolve.
Starting with the right people is the first step to creating your team of peace warriors. To bring out the inner Jedi in security professionals, you must combine their intuitive abilities with proper training to de-escalate a situation. Only then will your security team be able to truly channel The Force.
Would you like to hear more about our team of Security Jedis? Ask us about our de-escalation training to learn how we’re helping keep the peace across the galaxy.